坐在已收拾干净,陪伴我两年的研究室位置上,我突然留恋起这里的一切。想着过去的点滴时,心情真的很复杂。人的一生要面对许多次的转折点,就象两年前我选择离开故乡、亲人,放弃我的工作一样,这次我又要离开这里——我生活了两年的地方。两年,虽称不上是很长的一段时间, 但这两年所发生的事,累积的回忆,真的很多很多。这两年里,哥哥成家立业了,家中多了一个成员,更重要的是,我找到了我的另一半,呵呵。
My favourite dishes of the night....hahaha...crabs and prawns :P~ Honestly, the meat really taste sweet!! I couldn't recall I've taken how many round of this...
Look at this -- Mangoesteen...our queen of tropical fruits in Malaysia..hahaha. However, it was frozen...=.=""" There were rambutan as well... but the taste and the seed wasn't exactly like the one we have in Malaysia...
My overall rating...9/10 ^^
Hell, look at that...=.=""" (sweat again...) Ladies and gentlement... this is what we called... marshmallow... awww... :P~
...with expiry date... and a "sanitary" marshmallow label on its packaging (恋爱卫生棉花糖)....
As far as you can see from the pic, there are people and beach umbrellas. I was really amazed by the crowd and the number of umbrellas. Also, as you go along the beach, the color of the umbrellas change from red to blue and white. It depends on which hotel you are in front of. The rental of each umbrella and beach mat cost about 5,000won per day.